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Home TEA, HERBS AND TINCTURESHERBSSTALKSMeadowsweet (Spirea Ulmaria) Stalk, 30 g

Meadowsweet (Spirea Ulmaria) Stalk, 30 g

Meadowsweet stalks are used for gastric disorders and liver changes, and the roots of the herb for rheumatism, ascites, gout, etc.

Price: €2.19
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    KidneysLiverUrinary - genital systemJoints, bones and musclesGastrointestinalSkin

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Meadowsweet (Spirea Ulmaria) Stalk, 30 g
Meadowsweet (Spirea Ulmaria) Stalk, 30 g



In traditional medicine, it is used to treat heartburn, stomach ulcers, colds, joint pain, arthritis and gout. It is also used as a diuretic to increase urine output in people with kidney or bladder infections.

It contains many compounds that are thought to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, including salicylates and tannins.

Preparation method:

1 tablespoon of the herb is boiled for 30 minutes. in 500 ml. hot water. The strained infusion is drunk in 3 equal parts during the day before meals.



Meadowsweet dry stalk, cut into pieces (Filipendula ulmaria, stem).