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Fruit honey 450 g

Natural fruit honey is recommended for diseases of the urinary system. Favorable effect on the liver, digestion and heart.


Package Quantity: 450 g
Ingredients: 100% natural honey - Fruit


Price: €7.69
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    ImmunityWeightHeartGynecologicalGastrointestinalColitisHigh cholesterolHypertensionRespiratory system
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Fruit honey 450 g
Fruit honey 450 g


- 100% natural product
- Produced in Bulgaria in clean and green area!
- No added sugar or other ingredients!

Natural Fruit Honey

Fruit honey is collected in the spring from the nectar of blooming fruit plantations. While there are fresh yellow-red color and, once crystallized color is light yellow. It is sweet, and food is one of the most pleasant taste. It contains significantly higher amount of fructose.

Natural Fruit Honey is recommended for: diseases of the urinary system. There are nutritional, prophylactic and therapeutic application. Favorable effect on the liver, digestive and cardiovascular system.



More useful properties of Bulgarian Natural Honey:


Honey is not regulated drug, however Millennium experience of traditional medicine, as well as more recent studies of modern clinicians assigns its place among the natural products with curative effect.

His healing power has been known since ancient times: it does not irritate the stomach and is easily absorbed by the body, it helps with many diseases and calms the nervous system.

Bulgarian honey is irreplaceable food in the daily menu of man. This is mainly due to the remarkable composition: vitamins of the groups A, B, C, K, E, organic acids, enzymes invertase, lipase and many chemical elements which occur in blood in very small amounts.

It is useful to consume honey, but in certain quantities, to 100 g per day. Most acceptable is that this is done for 1 hour before bedtime or 3 hours after eating.

Honey can be dissolved in warm (not hot) water, and thus to be accepted by the body.

As the honey is rich in enzymes, facilitates its operation functions of the digestive glands. It also improves sleep. Bulgarian honey, combined with lemon juice, milk or herbal tea also helps with colds.



100% natural, bulgarian honey - fruit

Packing: 450 g in a glass jar