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Home FOOD ADDITIVESADDITIVESSUPPLEMENTS FOR WOMENMenosan, support in menopause, 60 tablets, Himalaya

Menosan, support in menopause, 60 tablets, Himalaya

An herbal-mineral product, which makes the transition to menopause and menopause for women over 40, a boon and a contribution to avoid short and prolonged products of this condition.


Price: €12.99
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    NeurosisHormonal balanceGynecologicalJoints, bones and muscles

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Menosan, support in menopause, 60 tablets, Himalaya
Menosan, support in menopause, 60 tablets, Himalaya


Menopause is a transitional period during which serious physiological, gynecological, and sometimes social changes occur.

Menosan is a unique herbal-mineral product that makes the transition smooth and helps to avoid short and long-term manifestations of this condition. The product is developed on the basis of recipes of the most ancient science of life Ayurveda, further subjected to in-depth scientific and clinical trials. The components contained in Menosan are rich in calcium and magnesium of natural origin, phytoestrogens and other biologically active substances that support the use of hormones in the body and contribute to the normalization of hormonal balance in it, support the immune system, help relieve bone joint and muscle pain, tones the nervous system. Menosan helps relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, irritability, fatigue, insomnia and a tendency to depression.


- Supports the functions of the female reproductive system.
- Helps relieve menopausal complaints - hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, mood swings.


Saraca indica: 130 mg
Asparagus racemosus: 110 mg

To dust:
Kukkutandatvak bhasma: 125 mg
Zaharmohra bhasma: 125 mg
Terminalia chebua: 110 mg
Sida cordifolia: 105 mg
Glycyrrhiza glabra: 100 mg
Cantella asiatica: 50 mg

* The indicated values ​​are for 1 tablet.

How to use:

1 tablet twice a day.


Do not take in hormone-dependent tumors.

Packaging: 60 tablets