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Home TEA, HERBS AND TINCTURESHERBSOTHERMatcha, Ground Green Tea, 50 gr

Matcha, Ground Green Tea, 50 gr

Antioxidant. Favorable for toning the nervous system, tonic.

Price: €8.99
  • Can be used by:
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Matcha, Ground Green Tea, 50 gr
Matcha, Ground Green Tea, 50 gr



Interferes with sleep, to be taken until 3 p.m.


1. Boosts metabolism and burns calories

2. Detoxifies effectively and naturally

3. Calms the mind and relaxes the body

4. Improves mood and helps concentration

5. Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

6. Provides a burst of energy throughout the day



How to use

Put 1 full teaspoon of Matcha tea powder in a large porcelain or glass bowl. Boil 400 ml of water and wait 2 minutes for it to cool to 70-80 degrees. Pour the match gradually, actively beating for a few minutes with a bamboo whisk, plastic or wire stirrer. Pour into 2 cups and enjoy the delicate aroma and rich taste of this traditional ritual tea.