Allspice Essential Oil, 10 ml, Bioherba
Pimenta Officinalis
Allspice oil has an aroma that resembles cloves. It has a warming effect and can be used for massages for muscle and chest pains.
- Brand:Bioherba
- Code:9993263
The oil can be added to massage mixtures for the treatment of rheumatism. It is used for respiratory problems, soothes and tightens the skin. Aromatherapy is used for stress, overwork and depression.
Do not use by Epileptics And Pregnant women, as well as individuals with individual intolerance to this oil.
Method of use:
For external use!
For massages: dilution 1: 20 in base oil for use on the body (a few drops diluted in 100 ml of base oil for body massage).
For use on the face: dilution 1: 40 in base oil.
100% Essential Oil of allspice – Pimento essential oil.
Store in a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight.