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Cedar Atlas, Pure Essential Oil, 10 мл, Bioherba

Cedrus Atlantica


The oil has a warm and woody aroma. Aromatherapy is used to harmonize and balance the mind. It is used for hair loss and dandruff.


Price: €11.99
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    Hair loss and dandruffSkin
  • Appropriate for:
    All skin typesAny type of hair

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Cedar Atlas, Pure Essential Oil, 10 мл, Bioherba
Cedar Atlas, Pure Essential Oil, 10 мл, Bioherba


Atlas cedar strengthens the hair by nourishing the entire hair. It is used in respiratory diseases, bronchitis and laryngitis. Suitable oil for all skin types. It is used in the treatment of various skin problems, rashes, eczema, psoriasis and allergies. Relieves pain in arthritis and rheumatism.



Do not use by epileptics, pregnant women, children and persons with allergies and individual intolerance.


Method of use:

For external use!

For massages: dilution 1:20 in base oil for use on the body or 1: 40 for use on the face (a few drops diluted in 100 ml of base oil for body massage).

As a base oil can be used almond, wheat, apricot oil, etc.



Atlas cedar essential oil



Store in a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight.