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Home TEA, HERBS AND TINCTURESHERBSLEAVESRaspberry Leaf, 50 g, Tria Enniaria

Raspberry Leaf, 50 g, Tria Enniaria

Rubus idaeus L.

Raspberry leaves have a beneficial effect in gastrointestinal problems, anemia and rheumatism. They can be used in colds and flu, lower the temperature, tone the uterus.

Price: €1.99
  • Αpproved product at the Ministry of Health:
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    DiarrheaCirculatory systemGynecologicalJoints, bones and musclesGastrointestinalAnemiaRespiratory systemThroatGumsTeeth
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Raspberry Leaf, 50 g, Tria Enniaria
Raspberry Leaf, 50 g, Tria Enniaria


Raspberry leaves have a high content of vitamins B, C and E, iron, manganese, magnesium and polyphenols. Decoction of the leaves is used as an aid in the treatment of colds and flu. Affect well rheumatic diseases, diarrhea, bloating and water retention. In women, raspberry leaves relieve painful and profuse menstruation, tone the uterus, which is believed to support fertility. Tea can be applied as a gargle and used for bubbling in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


Method of use:

1 tablespoon of the herb is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes. The tea is strained and drunk warm. In the same way, a decoction for frothing or gargling can be prepared.



Do not use in medical conditions such as epilepsy, cancer, blood clotting disorders, incomplete term in the last pregnancy, individual intolerance to the herb.



Raspberry leaves chopped.



Store in a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight.